Cercar en aquest blog

Cercar en aquest blog

dimecres, 31 d’octubre del 2012

Halloween songs

Enjoy a scary Halloween tonight!

Here you have different songs to celebrate it!

dilluns, 29 d’octubre del 2012

How to carve a pumpkin to make a Jack o'lantern with kids?

Do you want to make a Jack o'lantern with your parents? Do you dare?

Here are you have some webpages to follow the steps and also a video to watch it.

Enjoy a scary Halloween!

Halloween vocabulary

Here you have some useful vocabulary related to Halloween. Use it when talking about Halloween! Enjoy it!

dissabte, 27 d’octubre del 2012

The scary skeleton

Is a skeleton scary? Or is a skeleton just like you?

The magic spell

Billy and Tom are playing. They're pretending to be wizards and they are making a magic spell. Will the magic spell work?

A scary story

Bob the dog has run off into a big, old, scary house. Can the children find Bob?

Story Maker

Do you like writing? You can create your own story here.

Quiz - Witches and wizards

There are lots of famous witches and wizards in books and films. Test your knowledge with this quiz.

Halloween Quiz

October 31st is Halloween. How much do you know about this old festival? Take the quiz!

Haunted house

Dare you enter the Haunted House? Can you find the things you need for your magic spell?

I spy with my little eye something beginning with...
There are two levels. Do you dare?

Halloween Forum

October 31st is Halloween. Do you celebrate Halloween where you live? If so, what do you do? If not, what do you know about this spooky day? Happy Halloween!

Here you have a forum to write down your experience.

Dark, dark wood

There are strange things in the dark, dark wood! Click on the cats to find out what is hidden in the dark, dark house!


Abracadabra is the magic word. Can Billy make Tom fly? Listen to a song about a magic spell. The song is ready. Click start to begin.

Halloween is here!!! ;)

History of Halloween A number of people believe that this tradition began thousands of years ago with the Celts. The Celtic people celebrated New Year’s Day on November 1st and, to protect themselves against the winter, they organised activities to scare off evil spirits the night of October 31st. This is one version; however, some people believe that Halloween has a shorter history. Why do people wear costumes for Halloween? Wearing costumes for Halloween began hundreds of years ago. Many people believed that ghosts roamed the streets the night before All Saint’s Day so they wore masks and costumes to keep evil spirits away. In the past, aside from wearing masks, people used to also place bowls of food on their doorsteps to make sure ghosts and spirits didn’t enter in their houses. Here are we have a presentation the introduce this tradition. Enjoy it!

dimecres, 3 d’octubre del 2012

Months of the year!

And don't forget the months' song

The Days of The Week

Here you have the song of the Days of the Week

Ten Little Elephants

Enjoy singing the song "Ten Little Elephants" we are learning these days.