Cercar en aquest blog

Cercar en aquest blog

dissabte, 12 de novembre del 2011

6th level: Food around the world

Hello! How are you? Are you hungry? These days we have been working the food around the world. Why don't we start with some activities to practice it? Enjoy them!

Here you have some games to practice the vocabulary related to the topic of food.

Activity 1: Going shopping. You have sixty seconds to collect everything on your shopping list. Finish in time and move to the next level.

Activity 2: Spelling. Can you spell the names of fruit in English? Practise reading and spelling by playing this game.

Activity 3: Label the fruits and the vegetables. Do you know the names of fruit and vegetables in English? Which are fruit and which are vegetables? Paint the words to put them in the right groups.

Activity 4: A quiz. Why not? A quiz to show what you already know or to learn by doing it.

Activity 5: A balanced diet. Here's the latest new activity! Help Alisha or Ronnie make smart choices for their meals throughout the day. You'll see how what they choose affects their "balance of good health".

Activity 6:Food from around the world. Here we show you information about different food from around the world. Which one do you prefer?

Activity 7: To get to know more about food from around the world, I suggest you this webpage with different recipes. Have a look and try them at home with your parents!

Now it's dinner time! Enjoy your meal!

5th level: Animal Kingdom

Here you have a vocabulary quiz about animals. Do you dare? Good luck.

Do you know what a food chain is? Here you have some information that can help you to discover

Now let's see what you have understood. Here you have a food chain quiz.

divendres, 11 de novembre del 2011

4th level: What's the weather like today?

What's the weather like in China? What's the weather like in Egypt? Listen to the weather news and put the weather symbols in the right places.

Drag the weather symbols into the correct country's weather box.

Can you spell the words for the weather in English? Play this game to practise. Burst the balloons!

4th level: Months of the Year

January, February, March...Practise the months of the year with this song.

This is a spelling game. There are twelve months in the year. Do you know them all?

4th level: What time is it?

Listen to the time and move the hands on the clock. You can choose different levels of difficulty.

3rd level: Olympic Sports

Here you have different activities related to SPORTS.

Activity 1: Can you run? Can you swim? Can you hop? Click on the PICTURE and then click on START. Listen to a song, and print an activity about the things you can and can't do.

Activity 2: How's your knowledge of Olympic sports. Test yourself or play against a friend with this game. Can you win a medal? It's a game that consists of discriminating sports. Press 1, 2 or 3 in your Keyboard to choose the right sport. But first, read the instructions below carefully.

Now it's your turn to play. Click on the picture and start. Good luck!

Activity 3: You want to go home. First choose 1 or 2 players. Then, click on the "GO" button. Listen and click on the sports you hear. Remember you only have 60 seconds= 1 minute!

3rd level: Classroom objects

At school we spend most of our time in the classroom. Can you label the furniture and objects in the classroom? Can you put the words in the right place? Just click and drag the words in the spaces on the picture. Have a try!

2nd level: Toys

We all love playing with toys. There are eight toys hidden in this puzzle. Le'ts discover the hidden toys. Find the pairs of toys by playing this memory game. Let's see if you can match the words and the pictures.

Click on the PICTURE. Give time to the programme to be LOADED and then press on START. Good luck!

1st Level: A song called "Ten Little Aeroplanes"

Let's learn a new song called "Ten Little Aeroplanes" and let's revise the numbers we've learnt.

Click on the PICTURE to listen to it and then click on FLASH in the same screen. Finally, click on START. Enjoy it!