Cercar en aquest blog

Cercar en aquest blog

dissabte, 3 de desembre del 2011

Reconeixement d'una bona pràctica

Ens han penjat el nostre Projecte PELE al bloc de xtec del Servei de Llengües Estrangeres com a bona pràctica entre les escoles de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

Cliqueu sobre la imatge per poder-ho veure.

En aquest enllaç, us presentem el PELE de l’Escola Camps Elisis que es va engegar l’any 2009 amb l’objectiu de millorar la competència comunicativa i lingüística del nostre alumnat fent servir l’anglès de forma lúdica, creativa i significativa a l’entorn social de l’aula.


Followers around the world

We are pleased to have followers around the world as you can see in the picture below. Thank you very much. Join us and become a follower. Just click on "seguidors / followers" to become one of us. Now there are more than three thousand of us!

P4, P5 and 6th level: We Are The World, We Are The Children

Finally, we would like to show you a carol that pupils of 6th level are going to sing with the youngest of the school (P4 and P5) by Michael Jackson. Enjoy it.

5th and 6th level: Rocking Around the Xmas Tree!

Here you have a fashionable carol for the high cycle "Rocking Around the Xmas Tree" by Hannah Montana.

3rd and 4th level: All I Want for Xmas is You

Here you have a carol for "cicle mitjà" by Mariah Carey. Enjoy it!

1st and 2nd level: White Christmas

Here you have the Carol by Taylor Swift we are going to sing this December.

Enjoy it and practice it at home with your family.