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dissabte, 3 de desembre del 2011

Reconeixement d'una bona pràctica

Ens han penjat el nostre Projecte PELE al bloc de xtec del Servei de Llengües Estrangeres com a bona pràctica entre les escoles de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

Cliqueu sobre la imatge per poder-ho veure.

En aquest enllaç, us presentem el PELE de l’Escola Camps Elisis que es va engegar l’any 2009 amb l’objectiu de millorar la competència comunicativa i lingüística del nostre alumnat fent servir l’anglès de forma lúdica, creativa i significativa a l’entorn social de l’aula.


Followers around the world

We are pleased to have followers around the world as you can see in the picture below. Thank you very much. Join us and become a follower. Just click on "seguidors / followers" to become one of us. Now there are more than three thousand of us!

P4, P5 and 6th level: We Are The World, We Are The Children

Finally, we would like to show you a carol that pupils of 6th level are going to sing with the youngest of the school (P4 and P5) by Michael Jackson. Enjoy it.

5th and 6th level: Rocking Around the Xmas Tree!

Here you have a fashionable carol for the high cycle "Rocking Around the Xmas Tree" by Hannah Montana.

3rd and 4th level: All I Want for Xmas is You

Here you have a carol for "cicle mitjà" by Mariah Carey. Enjoy it!

1st and 2nd level: White Christmas

Here you have the Carol by Taylor Swift we are going to sing this December.

Enjoy it and practice it at home with your family.

dissabte, 12 de novembre del 2011

6th level: Food around the world

Hello! How are you? Are you hungry? These days we have been working the food around the world. Why don't we start with some activities to practice it? Enjoy them!

Here you have some games to practice the vocabulary related to the topic of food.

Activity 1: Going shopping. You have sixty seconds to collect everything on your shopping list. Finish in time and move to the next level.

Activity 2: Spelling. Can you spell the names of fruit in English? Practise reading and spelling by playing this game.

Activity 3: Label the fruits and the vegetables. Do you know the names of fruit and vegetables in English? Which are fruit and which are vegetables? Paint the words to put them in the right groups.

Activity 4: A quiz. Why not? A quiz to show what you already know or to learn by doing it.

Activity 5: A balanced diet. Here's the latest new activity! Help Alisha or Ronnie make smart choices for their meals throughout the day. You'll see how what they choose affects their "balance of good health".

Activity 6:Food from around the world. Here we show you information about different food from around the world. Which one do you prefer?

Activity 7: To get to know more about food from around the world, I suggest you this webpage with different recipes. Have a look and try them at home with your parents!

Now it's dinner time! Enjoy your meal!

5th level: Animal Kingdom

Here you have a vocabulary quiz about animals. Do you dare? Good luck.

Do you know what a food chain is? Here you have some information that can help you to discover

Now let's see what you have understood. Here you have a food chain quiz.

divendres, 11 de novembre del 2011

4th level: What's the weather like today?

What's the weather like in China? What's the weather like in Egypt? Listen to the weather news and put the weather symbols in the right places.

Drag the weather symbols into the correct country's weather box.

Can you spell the words for the weather in English? Play this game to practise. Burst the balloons!

4th level: Months of the Year

January, February, March...Practise the months of the year with this song.

This is a spelling game. There are twelve months in the year. Do you know them all?

4th level: What time is it?

Listen to the time and move the hands on the clock. You can choose different levels of difficulty.

3rd level: Olympic Sports

Here you have different activities related to SPORTS.

Activity 1: Can you run? Can you swim? Can you hop? Click on the PICTURE and then click on START. Listen to a song, and print an activity about the things you can and can't do.

Activity 2: How's your knowledge of Olympic sports. Test yourself or play against a friend with this game. Can you win a medal? It's a game that consists of discriminating sports. Press 1, 2 or 3 in your Keyboard to choose the right sport. But first, read the instructions below carefully.

Now it's your turn to play. Click on the picture and start. Good luck!

Activity 3: You want to go home. First choose 1 or 2 players. Then, click on the "GO" button. Listen and click on the sports you hear. Remember you only have 60 seconds= 1 minute!

3rd level: Classroom objects

At school we spend most of our time in the classroom. Can you label the furniture and objects in the classroom? Can you put the words in the right place? Just click and drag the words in the spaces on the picture. Have a try!

2nd level: Toys

We all love playing with toys. There are eight toys hidden in this puzzle. Le'ts discover the hidden toys. Find the pairs of toys by playing this memory game. Let's see if you can match the words and the pictures.

Click on the PICTURE. Give time to the programme to be LOADED and then press on START. Good luck!

1st Level: A song called "Ten Little Aeroplanes"

Let's learn a new song called "Ten Little Aeroplanes" and let's revise the numbers we've learnt.

Click on the PICTURE to listen to it and then click on FLASH in the same screen. Finally, click on START. Enjoy it!

dilluns, 24 d’octubre del 2011

Let's find out the story of Halloween

Let's find out the story of Halloween and new words related to this festivity. Click on the picture and read carefully the origins of Halloween.

divendres, 21 d’octubre del 2011

Halloween is here!!

Here we have the songs we are going to practice next week during the Halloween week at school. Enjoy the following scary week!

Cicle Inicial

Pumpkin, pumpkin

Hello my friends! Let's go Trick or Treat

Cicle Mitjà

Creepy, crawly Halloween

Cicle Superior

dimecres, 12 d’octubre del 2011

Months of the Year - Cicle Mitjà i Superior

And now we have the Months!

Days of the week song - Cicle Mitjà

Here you have the days of the week song. Just to practice and enjoy it.

dimecres, 5 d’octubre del 2011


Aquest post al blog és per comunicar-vos que ja tenim 2.500 visites al blog d'anglès de l'escola a data d'avui.
Moltes gràcies a tots i a totes els que ens recolzeu en el nostre dia a dia per poder fer-ho realitat!

Question words - High Cycle

Here you have some questions to practice at home. Do you remember...WHERE, WHAT, WHEN, WHY, HOW, WHO, WHY, HOW MANY, HOW MUCH, HOW OFTEN...

dimarts, 4 d’octubre del 2011

The Alphabet - Cicle Mitjà

dijous, 22 de setembre del 2011

Our colourful world_ Cicle Inicial

Click on the picture we show you to listen to the story of Our Colourful World worked in classes of Initial Cycle. Let's hope you like it.

Welcome back to school

dimarts, 14 de juny del 2011

Time for theatre plays!

Here we have some of the plays we've been preparing and brief summaries for you with our speaking assistant, Miss. Megan!

Sinbad, the Dragon and the Genie – 6th Level
This is the story of Sinbad, a sailor. He arrives in a country called Aridia and is asked for help by the King and Queen. Watch the video to find out why Aridia needs help!

Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Missing Painting – 5th Level
This is the story of Sherlock Holmes, a detective, who is helping film star Jennifer Crowe to find a missing painting. Watch the video to find out who stole the painting!

The Musicians of Bremen – 4th Level
This is a story about four musical animals; a cat, a dog, a donkey and a chicken. They are bored, tired and hungry, so they decide to go to Bremen to play music! Watch the video to find out what happens to the animals on the way to Bremen!

The King’s New Clothes – 3rd Level
This is a story about two robbers that offer to make the King some “magic” clothes. Watch to find out what is magic about the clothes!

Little Red Riding Hood – 2nd Level
This is a story about a little girl called Little Red Riding Hood, she is on her way to her grandmother’s house, but there is a wolf in the woods. Watch the video to find out what happens!

The Three Little Pigs – 1st Level
This is a story about three pigs that live in houses made from three different materials; straw, wood and brick. The three pigs are being hunted by two wolves, that want to eat the pigs…but the pigs hide in their houses. Watch the video to find out if the wolves catch the pigs!

diumenge, 12 de juny del 2011

Time for our karaoke session!

As we are finishing the course! We have prepared some dances to celebrate it! Here you have the karaoke to practice it and enjoy it! They are lavelled by levels!

Love the way you lie. Rihanna. 6th level

Single Ladies. 5th level

The time dirty dancing. Black eyes peas. 5th level

I like it Feat Enrique Iglesias. Pitbull - 3rd and 4th level

Lady Gaga - Born this way -3rd and 4th level

Mr. Saxobeat - 1st and 2nd level

dissabte, 28 de maig del 2011

Spelling Competition - 3rd level

Do you know the alphabet? Can you spell some words?

Let's practise a bit the alphabet song that you can watch from youtube videos with the link provided. and then, let's play a spelling competition! What a challenge!

Here you have a competitive and cooperative game. Enjoy it!

Talking about past events 5th level

Where were you? Did you visit a museum? Did you walk in the park? Did you go to the cinema? Did you play football? Did you play computer games? Did you listen to music? Did you watch TV?

My favourite animal - 3rd level

Hello everyone!

What's your favourite animal?

3rd level boys and girls describe to us their favourite animal. We'll get to know what colour they are, what size, what they eat and what they do.

Have a look and discover our favourite animals.

Let's introduce our towns or cities - 5th level

Here you have the oral presentations with a brief introduction of 5th level cities, towns and villages!

Do you know what there is or there are in each one? Have a look and you'll see what all our towns offer to us.

Do you want to listen to them? They are very interesting, aren't they?

Quiz Show - 6th level

Do you want to have a look at 6th level quiz show? Let's practice what you know about the Wonders of the World.

Good luck!

dissabte, 16 d’abril del 2011

My best friend - 4th level

Have you got a best friend? Sure, you have one.

Here we have the descriptions of 4th level best friends.

dimecres, 13 d’abril del 2011

Let's play jigsaw

It needs special software “Java”. In the following webpage:
http://www.java.com/es/download/ you have free Java download.

How to play?

Every piece can be caught and dropped with the left mouse button. Then, connect pieces together. The connection is accompanied with a sound. You can move together connected pieces as one piece.

There’s some help if you click on Image and Ghost and if you want to play again, just click on scatter to remove the pieces of the jigsaw.

dimarts, 12 d’abril del 2011

It's Easter time!

Easter is coming soon. Here we have the multimedia presentations to introduce you a bit with this topic we are working in each level.

Have a look and discover the festivity checking the comprehension questions!

Easter cicle incial i mitjà

Easter cicle superior

Some worksheets

dijous, 31 de març del 2011

April Fool's Day

Today is the 1st of April. We are celebrating April Fool's Day.

Have a look at our presentation to have a gist!

Enjoy the day and look out!

dijous, 10 de març del 2011

Young Learners at the threater!

Today 6 - 7 years old learners we've watched a theater play called: " Colours, numbers and songs".

We hope you have enjoyed it. Here you have the powerpoint presentation we had prepared in advance to reinforce the contents of the play and a a short piece of the play to remember it combining Spanish, Catalan and English.

Have a look!

dissabte, 5 de març del 2011

Oh When The Saints - Louis Armstrong

The English and the Music departments are working together. In this project we are going to get to know who Louis Armstrong was, what instrument he played, how he lived and what song was one of the most important ones he played.

Have a look at this webpage to find out more interesting information: http://pbskids.org/jazz/nowthen/louis.html

As we enjoy singing, we are going to learn the song "Oh When The Saints" by Louis Armstrong using a karaoke. Do you want to join us? Moreover, they are going to play it using the recorder in the music area. Enjoy it!

Apart from that we have prepared a powerpoint presentation and some comprehension questions to start with. Here you have!

Word by Word - High Cycle

This is a game thought to be played with high cycle (5th and 6th levels).

I'm sure all of you know this game played on TV. Yes, yes,..."Word by word" is "pasapalabra".

Do you dare? Good luck!!!

Word by word for 5th level

Word by Word for 6th level

dimecres, 23 de febrer del 2011

Megan's family at school today!

We are very pleased to have Megan's family. Here we have some photos.

Thank you very much for your visit at school. See you soon!

dimarts, 22 de febrer del 2011

Secret Farm Animal Game

Secret Farm animal game. Click on the remove button to remove the squares and you'll discover what animal it is.

Animal sounds game

Here you have a resource that will help you to practice with the animals sounds. Click on the play button (>)to start with and then the forward button (>>) to go on and try to guess the animal sounds. Let's discover who they are.

dilluns, 21 de febrer del 2011

Old Mcdonald Had a Farm

We are learning the animals with 2nd level learners. Let's practise the animals with this song: "Old Mcdonald Had a Farm" Do you know it? Do you want to learn it? Here you have.

divendres, 18 de febrer del 2011

Fashion Show

Are you nervous? 3rd level class have prepared a "Fashion Show".

Here we have the models. Enjoy it!

dimecres, 9 de febrer del 2011

A special guest "Danny Johnson"

Today, we have been very lucky to have a special guest. He's Danny Johnson, Megan's boyfriend.

So, we have had the opportunity to talk and get to know him.

Here we have the powerpoint presentation we have shown.

divendres, 28 de gener del 2011

School Day of Non-Violence and Peace

All this week, we've been celebrating the School Day of Non-Violence and Peace.
We have learnt the Imagine song by John Lennon. Here you have the link to practice it at home.

Moreover, we have learnt more about John Lennon and The Beatles.

We go to the theatre

Last Monday, the 24th of January 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th level went to watch a theatre play called "Tarzan of the Apes". We would like to show you the recording.

Apart from that you can see again the powerpoint presentation we made to introduce the story and the characters. Enjoy it!

What are we like?

We want to show you what we are like. Ready, steady,...Go!

United Kingdom

Here we have a powerpoint presentation about the United Kingdom. We have worked it as a project following the three main steps:

1. What do you know?
2. What do you want to know?
3. What have you learnt?

Do you want to have a look at some photos?
Here we have a sample.

Megan's interview

To get to know a bit more about our language assistant, we have decided to interview her. Let's see if we discover more things about her!

Language assistant's interview 5th level:

Language assistant's interview 6th level 1st group:

Language assistant's interview 6th level 2nd group: