Cercar en aquest blog

Cercar en aquest blog

dilluns, 7 d’abril del 2014

Run Giraffe!

run run run from Laia Castellnou on Vimeo.

run run run 2 from Laia Castellnou on Vimeo.

The mouse, the zebra, the elephant and the parrot helped the giraffe to run away from the lion. Let's see what happened!

Let's go shopping!

Shop from Laia Castellnou on Vimeo.
Pupils from 1st level go shopping to the Camps Elisis shop. Would you like to visit our store?

diumenge, 2 de febrer del 2014

I'm hungry!

Here there is a piece of the role play based on the topic we are working on: The food. Welcome to "Camps Elisis Restaurant" and enjoy watching our pupils performance.

I'm hungry from Laia Castellnou on Vimeo.