Cercar en aquest blog

Cercar en aquest blog

dilluns, 7 d’abril del 2014

Run Giraffe!

run run run from Laia Castellnou on Vimeo.

run run run 2 from Laia Castellnou on Vimeo.

The mouse, the zebra, the elephant and the parrot helped the giraffe to run away from the lion. Let's see what happened!

Let's go shopping!

Shop from Laia Castellnou on Vimeo.
Pupils from 1st level go shopping to the Camps Elisis shop. Would you like to visit our store?

diumenge, 2 de febrer del 2014

I'm hungry!

Here there is a piece of the role play based on the topic we are working on: The food. Welcome to "Camps Elisis Restaurant" and enjoy watching our pupils performance.

I'm hungry from Laia Castellnou on Vimeo.

divendres, 12 de juliol del 2013

Have a nice summer holidays!

Relax, read some books or magazines, swim, play different games, practice some sports and enjoy these days with your family and friends. Have a nice summer holidays! See you ;)

dissabte, 15 de juny del 2013


Benvolgudes famílies i alumnes de l'Escola Camps Elisis,

Us vodria escriure quatre ratlles de la trajectòria que ha significat el meu pas per l'escola. Amb aquest, ja són 6 anys els que portem junts. Hem caminat un llarg viatge plegats. Hem jugat, cantat, actuat en obres de teatre i après moltes coses en llengua estrangera.

Però ara arriba el moment d'acomiadar-se i de dir-se adéu. No és un adéu per sempre. Sempre que ho necessiteu podreu recórrer a mi, així com explicar-me com us va quan ens veguem.

Només us vull trametre que marxo contenta veient com us heu anat fent grans i com heu anat assolit nous reptes. Estic convençuda que continuareu els vostres camins amb perseverància i constància. Només em resta dir-vos que lluiteu pels vostres somnis i que no defalliu pel camí.

Una abraçada molt forta i gràcies per tot el que m'heu aportat durant els anys que hem conviscut junts en aquest camí d'aprendre de la vida.

Anna Teixidó i Cairol

Theater plays at school in June!

Here you have the theater plays you were waiting for. We have two plays:

 "Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Missing Painting" acted out by 5th level pupils and

"The Musicians of Bremen" acted out by 4th level pupils.

Have a nice day and enjoy them ;)

Sherlock Holmes and The Case of The Missing Painting from Videos_ATC81 on Vimeo.

Musicians of Bremen from Videos_ATC81 on Vimeo.


Everything beneath the sea.
Our seas and oceans are full of life. Find out about some of the amazing creatures that live there.

More games: Health

This game is all about health. Read the clues and guess the health words.

Joke of the week

The joke of the week

What do you call a wizard from outerspace?

A flying sorcerer!

Games: Family

Do you dare playing games about family?

Have a look! Good luck!